
Informative statue ACNH characteristics

Are you an avid player of Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH)? If so, you must have encountered the fascinating world


Are you an avid player of Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH)? If so, you must have encountered the fascinating world of art and statues within the game. Among these captivating pieces is the Informative Statue, which holds a special allure for collectors and art enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore the Informative Statue ACNH characteristics, uncovering the secrets behind this intriguing virtual artwork.

Informative Statue ACNH Characteristics

1. Impressive Size and Scale

The Informative Statue is notable for its impressive size, towering over the player and creating a sense of grandeur. This life-sized representation adds a touch of realism to your ACNH island, making it a prominent feature that is bound to catch the attention of both villagers and visitors.

2. Intricate Details

One of the most captivating aspects of the Informative Statue is its intricate level of detail. From the delicately carved feathers on the wings to the flowing drapery, every aspect of the sculpture is meticulously crafted. This attention to detail brings the statue to life, making it a visually stunning addition to your virtual art collection.

3. Dynamic Pose

The Informative Statue stands proudly with its wings spread wide, capturing a moment frozen in time. This dynamic pose conveys a sense of movement and energy, adding a touch of drama to the statue. It becomes a centerpiece that adds depth and character to your ACNH island.

4. Weathered Aesthetic

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the Informative Statue features a weathered aesthetic, as if it has endured the test of time. This weathering gives the statue a sense of history and adds an air of authenticity to your collection. Its aged appearance further enhances its role as a captivating art piece.

5. Accurate Representation of the Original Statue

The Informative Statue in ACNH is a faithful reproduction of the real-world Winged Victory of Samothrace. Its accurate representation showcases the skill and attention to detail of the game developers. By including such a masterpiece in the virtual world, players have the opportunity to appreciate and learn about renowned works of art.

FAQs about the Informative Statue ACNH Characteristics

1. Where can I find the Informative Statue in ACNH?

You can obtain the Informative Statue in Animal Crossing: New Horizons from Redd, the visiting art dealer. He periodically appears on your island, and once you build the art gallery in your museum, you can donate or display the Informative Statue there.

2. Can I customize the Informative Statue?

Unlike some other items in ACNH, you cannot customize the Informative Statue. However, you can still use it creatively to enhance the aesthetic of your island or create stunning outdoor displays.

3. Can I trade the Informative Statue with other players?

Yes, trading is a popular aspect of the Animal Crossing community. You can trade the Informative Statue with other players who may be searching for specific art pieces or have duplicates to exchange.

4. Can I buy a fake Informative Statue?

Yes, it's possible to encounter a fake Informative Statue in ACNH. When purchasing from Redd, pay close attention to the details, as some forgeries may have slight differences from the genuine statue. Utilize online resources or consult with fellow players to ensure you're getting an authentic piece.

5. Can I display multiple Informative Statues in my museum?

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you can only display one Informative Statue in your museum. However, you can create multiple outdoor displays or use the statue as a focal point in different areas of your island.

6. How much is the Informative Statue worth in ACNH?

The value of the Informative Statue in ACNH can vary depending on the demand and trading market within the game. It is considered a valuable and sought-after item due to its historical significance and captivating design.


The Informative Statue in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a remarkable virtual artwork that brings the beauty of ancient Greece to your gaming experience. With its impressive size, intricate details, dynamic pose, weathered aesthetic, and accurate representation, it adds a touch of culture and history to your ACNH island. Whether you're a dedicated art collector or simply appreciate the beauty of virtual masterpieces, the Informative Statue is a must-have addition to your virtual art gallery.

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